The half-day center based preschool program provides services to preschoolers with disabilities in public school buildings. Students are supported by a team of professionals, which includes a teacher, paraprofessional and may include occupational therapist, speech and language pathologist and physical therapist, as deemed appropriate by the IEP team. The program is designed to provide child-centered enriched learning activities that are age-appropriate and aligned with the Ohio Early Childhood Content Standards. Students are given opportunities to participate in learning experiences with non-disabled peers, as appropriate. The itinerant teachers provide services in the home and in child care facilities.
What We Offer
Provide comprehensive services for preschoolers with disabilities.
Provide skilled and licensed/certified staff including teacher, paraprofessional and related service staff.
Assist local districts with the ODE preschool licensing requirements.
Provide training for staff in the areas of Communicable Disease, First Aid Training, and Child Abuse Prevention and Recognition.
Provide research based staff development for all preschool staff.
Develop and implement IEPs designed to meet the unique needs of preschoolers with a disability.
Support transition planning with district personnel and families.
Provide quality supervision and evaluation for classroom staff.
Work collaboratively with district personnel.
Recruit potential typically developing preschool peer models for each classroom.
Best practice for quality early childhood programming according to state standards.
Provide a supportive environment for families and students.
Maintain ODE Preschool Licensure documentation.
Provide highly trained staff, specializing in the delivery of educational services for preschoolers with disabilities.